About the Album
Songs of the Sirens: Link's Awakening ReMixed is the 71st free community arrangement album published by OverClocked ReMix. It features 14 arrangements of the soundtrack to legendary Game Boy adventure title The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening from 14 artists in a variety of styles and in celebration of this classic game's remake for the Nintendo Switch.
Director Notes
"Right after we finished Mirror Image, we already half-jokingly talked about making another Zelda album at some point. As soon as the Link's Awakening remaster for the Nintendo Switch was announced, the half-joke was no more. We immediately thought that this was the perfect time.
Link's Awakening is very special to us, and we wanted to show the depth of our appreciation of the game and its music by releasing an arrangement album simultaneously with the remaster. This album was very much a labour of love, and we hope that translates to the finished product!"

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Mirror #1 Mirror #2 Mirror #3Stream
1. "The Legend of Marin"
By: WillRock, DaMonz
- Source: "Field"
2. "Head South to the Beach"
By: Tom Janes feat. PROTO·DOME
- Source: "When Link First Wakes," "Koholint Island"
3. "Mah Boi"
- Source: "Mabe Village"
4. "Domain of Darkness"
By: DDRKirby(ISQ)
- Source: "Mysterious Forest," Super Mario 64 - "Koopa's Theme," Super Mario RPG - "Beware the Forest's Mushrooms," Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - "Lost Woods," Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - "Forest"
5. "Animal's Avenue"
By: Yoann Turpin
- Source: "Animal Village"
6. "Abyssal Reverie"
By: RebeccaETripp
- Source: "Dream Shrine," "Faerie Spring," "Boss Defeated," "Instrument Catch," "Owl"
7. "Tal Tal Future"
By: bLiNd
- Source: "Tal Tal Heights"
8. "Imprisoned"
By: Chimpazilla
- Source: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX - "Color Dungeon"
9. "'To the Finder...'"
By: WillRock feat. XPRTNovice
- Source: "Face Shrine," "The Tail Cave," "The Bottle Grotto," "Tal Tal Heights," "Key Cavern," "Angler's Tunnel," "Catfish's Maw"
10. "Le Mystere du Poisson-Reve"
By: Doc Nano
- Source: "Ballad of the Wind Fish"
11. "The Waker's Tale"
By: DaMonz, Trainbeat feat. Christine Giguere
- Source: "The Tail Cave," "Miniboss Battle," "Boss Battle," "Ballad of the Wind Fish," "Wind Fish's Egg," "Shadow Battles," "Shadows Defeated," "Song of Awakening"
12. "Wind Fish Limbo"
By: Yoann Turpin
- Source: "Player Select," "Song of Awakening"
13. "Marin's Mambo"
By: Lemonectric
- Source: "Manbo's Mambo," "End Credits"
14. "'Why Is the Island Gone?'"
By: WillRock
- Source: "Opening Demo," "Title," "Player Select," "When Link First Wakes," "Koholint Island," "Owl," "Sword Catch," Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - "He's a Pirate," "Nightmare Lair Underground," "Rescue BowWow," "Ballad of the Wind Fish," Cowboy Bebop - "Tank!"

William Harby
Jordan Aguirre
Christine Giguere
Christine Giguère
Doc Nano
Alex Johnson-Buck
Blake Troise
Tom Janes
Tom Janes
Joe Zieja

Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans.
OCRは1999年に創立されて、ゲーム音楽への感謝、保存、演出に専念するための組織です。OCRの主要な活動は ocremix.org で見つかるインターネットサイト。このサイトに数百のゲーム音楽好きに作られたリミックスのMP3と、ゲームの音楽と作曲家の情報と、音楽家を熱望している人のための供給源と、にぎやかなゲーム音楽のファンがいっぱいいます。